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New Labtalk with Laura highlights student involvement in STEMSEAS

STEMSEAS logo in front of flat, dark blue ocean and white clouds in blue sky near sunset

A new episode of PhD student Laura Fattaruso's podcast, Labtalk with Laura, talks with alumni of the STEMSEAS program (Student Experiences Aboard Ships) started by Sharon Cooper and Jon Lewis. She's joined in the studio by Emma Robertson, a UMass undergrad who sailed last summer from Woods Hole, MA to Reykjavik, Iceland. She also interviews fellow PhD student Raquel Bryant and recent alum Dr. Benjamin Keisling, UMass Geoscience graduate students who have both served as mentors on STEMSEAS cruises. Chats with Alhasan Alshaarbaf of the University of St. Thomas, and Michael Martins of the University of Alaska Fairbanks are also included.  Listen here...