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Randolph and Cecile Bromery Graduate Fellowships and Undergraduate Scholarship

cecile_billDownload the Application here.

The Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst is seeking applicants for the Randolph and Cecile Bromery Graduate Fellowships and the Randolph and Cecile Bromery Undergraduate Scholarships.

The funds, provided by the generosity of Randolph ‘Bill’ and Cecile Bromery, aim to increase the participation of underrepresented US students within geology and earth sciences. Bill Bromery, a distinguished African American geophysicst, served as Commonwealth Professor at UMass, Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts and President of the Geological Society of America. He has also received numerous honorary degrees and accolades, including the National Academy of Sciences Outstanding Black Scientist award in 1997.


Graduate Fellowships (for both MS and PhD candidates)

The Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences makes two awards for MS or PhD students enrolling at UMass in the Fall. Students with training in geology, earth systems, biology, engineering, mathematics, physics and/or chemistry are eligible and encouraged to apply.

bill bromeryMS students

Awards to MS students will include $15k/year stipend for two years, which can be augmented with teaching and research assistantships. 

PhD students

Funds from Randolph and Cecile Bromery Graduate Fellowships will be combined with support from the Northeast Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, a NSF-funded program to increase the number of domestic students receiving doctoral degrees and entering the professoriate in the sciences, technology, engineering & mathematics. For eligible PhD students, the Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences can award PhD students full stipend for three years.  This support will be used for the first, second and last years of the student’s degree with interleaving years supported with teaching or research assistantships.  PhD students will also be offered $8k for research and travel expenses during their degree.

How to Apply:

In addition to applying to our graduate program students interested in the Randolph and Cecile Bromery Graduate Fellowship should complete an application due to the department January 15th of the current school year.  Click here to download the application.

We encourage interested students to contact potential UMass advisors before January to discuss potential research topics. Don't hesitate to contact the Geosciences Graduate Program Director, Steven Petsch ( if you have questions about the application.

Undergraduate Scholarship

The Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences plans to award $5000 yearly to one or more undergraduates in the Geology or Earth Systems programs at UMass Amherst. The funds can be used to offset fees, fund field research or provide support during a summer internship.

How to Apply:

Students interested in the Randolph and Cecile Bromery Undergraduate Scholarship should complete an application due to the department April 15th of the current school year.  Please contact us for a link to the application portal.

Information about Careers in Geology