U-Mass Geosciences is one of 14 departments selected, among 52 applicants, to participate in the newly inaugurated American Geophysical Union Bridge Program, part of the Inclusive Graduate Education Network, to increase success of URM graduate students in geosciences. The AGU Bridge Program was initiated to develop, adopt, and share inclusive practices for recruiting, admitting, and retaining women and underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduate programs.
Many folks worked on this proposal to make it happen, including proposal writers Dr.'s Michele Cooke, Haiying Gao, Eve Vogel, Brian Yellen, Qian Yu, David Boutt, Stephen Burns and PhD student Ruthie Halberstadt. Department proposal reviewers were Dr.'s Mike Williams, Isla Castañeda, Matthew Winnick, Justin Richardson, and PhD students Raquel Bryant, Marsha Allen, Dr. Benjamin Keisling, Karin Lehnigk, and Laura Fattaruso.